Diskussion:Blog: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

10.047 Bytes entfernt ,  7. Februar 2012
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
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== Essam meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T12:54:18Z" name="Essam" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405400102">
Ähm: Jochen Schmidt gnienwt umgekehrt&#8230;beim stillen Lesen.
== Firas meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T13:15:13Z" name="Firas" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000494068815">
                                                    leeymjrs17 on November 7, 2011                                                                    @MissMusicality15 you guys&#8230; the giveaway has been over for months   
== Eduarda meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T13:27:47Z" name="Eduarda" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405402219">
                                                    isdsujtblontie on November 7, 2011                                                                    im sad this contset is already overrr   
== Gabriel meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T13:35:14Z" name="Gabriel" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405401800">
goncourt: ja, da ähnelt er eben dem pxissgteat. sooo furchtbar ungewöhnlich finde ich ihn auch nicht, aber mir gefällt, dass er immer wieder auf &#8216;elementares&#8217; zurückfällt (daher auch mein beckettvergleich). im grunde muss man sich wirklich nur mal n paar diskussionen um beckett aus den sechzigern in erinnerung rufen, dann wird das einem auch bei der rezeption von licht bekannt vorkommen (also: warum jemand das beliebig und gauklerisch findet)und ich hege eben viele sympathien für peterlicht, weil mir das inszenatorische dabei nicht &#8220;cool&#8221; oder &#8220;clever&#8221; vorkommt, sondern ausreichend selbsthumorig, durchlässig, nettnaiv (auch inszeniert, klar) ist &#8211; ohne dass das jetzt wirklich wieder programm wäre.
== Sadiya meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T13:35:38Z" name="Sadiya" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405399292">
Ja, nee, sityamhpsch ist er mir schon auch. Ich meine auch nicht, dass auf dem Bachmann-Wettbewerb anders gelesen/präsentiert werden müsste, dazu finde ich den Preis auch nicht so wichtig. Und alex63: Lesebühne mit einer Szene, die man ungefähr kennt, und berühmter Literaturpreis mit Fernsehübertragung ist schon ein Unterschied. Man sollte da mit einem Autor nicht zu streng umgehen.
== Letlhogonolo meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T14:09:03Z" name="Letlhogonolo" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405399724">
This isnihgt's just the way to kick life into this debate.
== Ram meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T14:34:30Z" name="Ram" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405400869">
This introduces a pleasingly roatnial point of view.
== Gatsy meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T14:44:48Z" name="Gatsy" url="http://www.facebook.com/">
Wow! Great tihnnikg! JK
== Eagle meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T14:51:31Z" name="Eagle" url="http://www.yahoo.com/">
Thanks for itnrodcunig a little rationality into this debate.
== Eduardo meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T15:09:22Z" name="Eduardo" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405398393">
Damn. Erg vet! More paesle!Jeroen (CH7)
== Kirtikant meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T15:29:48Z" name="Kirtikant" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405399748">
I would leeoovooee to see this: Tyler Ward, Boyce Avenue, Alex Goot, Jeff Hendrick and Alex G with Count on you by Jordin Sparks and Big Time Rush♥ please thumps up so Alex can see it ;**
== Kyle meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T15:29:59Z" name="Kyle" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000494067138">
It's good to get a fresh way of liokong at it.
== Perapot meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T15:43:01Z" name="Perapot" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405397900">
eine frage zur thcenik, roland, kann man mit dem player da oben auch streams abspielen?
== Jairus meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T16:26:24Z" name="Jairus" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000494069107">
                                                    GlamMelLicious15 on November 7, 2011                                                                    my fvoarite food is chicken parmesan and any kind of pasta:)   
== Salatiel meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T16:33:21Z" name="Salatiel" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405398039">
Ask them if you will erpexience hot flashes, some people do.  others get so cold they have to take baths and wrap in heating blankets to get warm.  this might be part of the nerve issue.  i would also check your blood pressure during the process as you go.the vomiting or nausea will come in waves, the worse is the night of the treatment.also, when you start to notice the hair coming out, right away make a night of it and have all your girls over and shave your head, have a wig party, everyone needs to wear a wig night. Laugh, cry, laugh some more it WILL grow back!
== Kyle meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T16:42:35Z" name="Kyle" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000494068488">
this is anizamg  so much better than the original. love you alex goot!
== Veli meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T17:00:21Z" name="Veli" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000494067134">
wow this is amwsoee. i love you.  DDD even if i attempted singing this song my timing would be off. xD because i&#8217;d play it with the piano.
== Adila meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T17:07:24Z" name="Adila" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000494068809">
Ab fab my godoly man.
== Filip meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T17:35:29Z" name="Filip" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405400053">
Grats! I udatped my links. Oh in case your mom didn't tell you, I included you on my Feed Link chain and I udatped that link too. Good luck with the new domain!
== Ian meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T17:38:46Z" name="Ian" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000494068992">
                                                    knxaiinarn on November 7, 2011                                                                    my fav food is:bacon,fish,and papayasi also asked my parent&#8217;s permission   
== Dan meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T17:49:46Z" name="Dan" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405397038">
                                                    gruioargmllx28 on November 7, 2011                                                                    favorite food is bang bang shrimp from bonefish grill     
== gayan meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T18:28:16Z" name="gayan" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405391140">
Bitte um Antwort, vheellicit habt Ihr auch Adressen von kritischen Ärzten
== Norah meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T19:03:18Z" name="Norah" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405391686">
  Great video. I was steead in the 410s. It was also my first time and I&#8217;m looking forward to next year. Thanks for the upload!!
== Shammi meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T19:25:29Z" name="Shammi" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405399200">
I was seiourlsy at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
== Dani meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T19:37:21Z" name="Dani" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405396877">
Tong-gratulatiens!Parang gusto ko na ring maorakogn ng sariling domain.  Hehe.  Kaya lang e alam ko pa naman na nilalangaw pa rin 'yung blog ko.Tuloy-tuloy lang City Lifestylin'!  Continue the good stuff.  I'll always be your reader - your fan - kahit baduy akong pumorma at puro mga polo t-shirts lang ang meron sa cabinet ko.The best of wishes!  Cheers!
== Michiko meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T19:50:27Z" name="Michiko" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405391877">
&#8230;vielleicht wenedst Du Dich an die &#8220;Internationale Ärzte für die Verhütung des Atomkrieges/Ärzte in sozialer Verantwortung e.V.&#8221; IPPNW. Es gibt eine deutsche Sektion und auch namhafte Mediziner in Lüneburg, die hier aktiv sind.Eine Liste der Regionalgruppen (auch Lüneburg-Lüchow-Dannenberg) findest Du unter:
== Jose meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T19:54:45Z" name="Jose" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000494065781">
GREAT!This ttourial/full script is just the thing i was looking for...I made some modifications, so you can check the URL (if is alive) and also if is real (in the actual "version", you can put anything and is added to the db)I also added a "bookmarklet", a "title" field in the db, a click counter, even a simple template class for the initial page....I'm working on a way to auto-get the title of the URL (this field is automatcly inserted trhu javascript, much simpler)Also i like to add a "most visited" and "newest" links... just for the fun of it ...Really great script you have here.Just contact me and i send you the link to check my modifications(in this moment is a personal services for my blog and twitter)Almost forget ... also I like to create the simplest API possible (but maybe in a near future)I would like to share the code when is more finished...for example to add every credit for all the snippets i found and give proper credit to the authors)
== Arpita meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-02-07T19:55:24Z" name="Arpita" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405399282">
        Danke für Ihr Interesse an uensrem Produkt ;-).Nein, Psychologie war mit Papier und Stift. Äh. Bei den &#8230; Puh. Keine Ahnung. Ich schreibe am 5. März. Wo, ist zweitrangig.             
