Diskussion:Schaltjahr: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Änderungen von (Diskussion) rückgängig gemacht und letzte Version von Admin wiederhergestellt
(Ein Kommentar wurde von Nevamynd über die Programmerweiterung ArticleComments abgegeben.)
K (Änderungen von (Diskussion) rückgängig gemacht und letzte Version von Admin wiederhergestellt)
Zeile 20: Zeile 20:
<comment date="2012-03-01T10:56:12Z" name="Sab0ie" signature="[[Benutzer:Sab0ie|Sab0ie]]">
<comment date="2012-03-01T10:56:12Z" name="Sab0ie" signature="[[Benutzer:Sab0ie|Sab0ie]]">
gemacht! Danke Manzal
gemacht! Danke Manzal
== Nevamynd meinte … ==
<comment date="2012-08-09T03:50:00Z" name="Nevamynd" url="http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003406414831">
Think carefully and do peorpr research. You must want to take it for SAD symptoms. I did too, with disastrous results. Not because of skin sensitivity, although there's that fear. And I'm not warning you off simply because you have sensitive eyes. There are other things that may very well happen and you can't ever predict what.Taking St John's Wort took me from being so down to crazy high and impulsive. Like I'm-so-high-I-can-throw-myself-into-traffic-impulsive. And the effects did not wear off even months after I stopped taking it. The hyperactivity ruined my already frayed relationships.It is not regulated, the pills have different consistencies even in the same bottle, you won't know how much is okay for you to take  I don't care what they say on the bottle of reaching a maximum dose of taking three daily. I took it because I was completely desperate, and you always think it may work for you too. I know why you want to take it.But the Seasonal Affective Disorder Association UK (SADA) does not recommend you take it. for the above-mentioned reasons. And it's kept alive by SAD sufferers. I'd be much at peace if you didn't. Take in the sun.Walk in daylight hours (force yourself and get someone  your friend to go with you?)Try yoga and meditation (truly  it's exercise and relaxation at the end of the day)Just because it's herbal doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. Could you afford homeopathic medication  at least it's regulated? And if you have faith in a higher power, please ask for strength and guidance as to what treatment you should try .. a light box or full spectrum bulbs  I've had limited results with the bulbs though . I wouldn't even recommend you take antidepressants, because they didn't work for me . they increased the mood swings  they'll write anything on the box to sell you medication.I sincerely wish you my best. Sadly, there's no miracle  cure'. Please try to avoid allowing yourself to think there is.
